
The right time: Developing a philanthropic legacy

Major and successful milestones often mark a moment for our clients to assess how they next want to develop a philanthropic legacy. Sometimes this moment is when a family sells its business and makes a substantial gain, as was the case with a client we worked for recently. Our Corporate team advised on the sale of the client’s business and, as our relationship developed, we were engaged to discuss their philanthropic aspirations and the causes they were looking to support.

Developing a cohesive approach for the client meant formalising their philanthropic strategy and then implementing it across a number of different jurisdictions – we have global experience and expertise all based in a lean efficient team based in our London office. The result was that the client made the most of the opportunity to both structure the sale of their business as well as use some of the proceeds in the most tax efficient way to maximise the funds for their charitable causes.

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