
Unlimited partnership and Gina Querns

Not everyone at Fladgate knew Gina before March 23 2020 but then since lockdown she started sending emails early each morning wishing everyone a good day. They soon became legendary. She is a key member of the team at Fladgate, managing the fast moving Document Centre team.

Their days revolve around tight deadlines and non-stop juggling of priorities, all driven by deep experience of the different needs and approaches required whether it is documents for a major litigation, real estate deal or corporate transaction.

They take delivering on time and at pace very seriously by the way,  constantly setting themselves targets. Gina talks passionately about their success rate on a range of criteria, delivering six-sigma level results. The team also offer training and support to the wider firm on Fladgate’s house style and constantly improving standards.

All of which provides the reassuring and professional back-up that our team of lawyers need to deliver the fast moving, forward thinking and high quality service we know our clients need.

Meanwhile, Gina continues to send out her updates which have expanded to include optimistic observations on life - no doubt she also has a target for the number of team smiles she can generate.

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