
I specialise in all aspects of planning law including negotiation of planning and highways agreements, redevelopment schemes, legal challenges, enforcement, permitted development rights, community infrastructure levy, assets of community value, rights of light, due diligence and transactional advice on contracts conditional on planning.

I thrive on helping clients realise their plans, from facilitating deals conditional on planning, to obtaining planning permission for developments, to assessing planning risk in property transactions and financing. Having worked in both the public and private sector, I can bring crucial insights from both sides of the planning process which enable clients to make more informed and strategic decisions.

I specialise in all aspects of planning law including negotiating planning agreements, redevelopment schemes, community infrastructure levy advice, judicial review and planning appeals but I have particular interest in permitted development. With the ongoing government focus on the liberation of planning restrictions, this niche area of law continues to grow and I have extensive experience advising clients in this area.

I have a wide range of clients including developers, investors and banks, most notably Weston Homes Limited, Micuber Estates Limited, Penguin Random House, 4C Hotels Limited, Hodson Developments Limited, Strawberry Star Group, Close Brothers Bank and Secure Trust Bank.

Whilst the received wisdom is that ‘lawyers don’t surf’ (Point Break 1991), this one does and when not working I can often be found riding the waves in Devon and Cornwall.

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  • Advising Micuber Estates Limited on a major urban regeneration scheme at Ashley Road South, London comprising up to 550 residential units, 5,550 sqm commercial and 7,500 sqm education floorspace in total, including advising on multiple s.106 and highways agreements.
  • Advising Penguin Random House on the planning liability in relation to their acquisition of a long lease of a new 83,400 square feet London office at One Embassy Gardens, including complex legal advice on planning and community infrastructure liability, as well as advice on business rates.
  • Advising the Ziser Group on planning aspects of the proposed re-development of Grade II* listed Fulham Town Hall as a mixed use property with luxury hotel, including a complex s.106 agreement required to unlock the planning permission for the development.
  • Ongoing advice for 4C Hotels Limited in relation to the ongoing mixed use redevelopment of the Minories site in the City of London for hotel, office and residential use, including advising on multiple s.106 agreements and related planning advice on ACVs and rights of light.
  • Advising Strawberry Star Group on the development of a 6.9-acre development site in Luton, which now has the benefit of planning permission for a mixed-use scheme, including residential, hotel, retail and leisure facilities, a medical and wellness centre, including advising on multiple s.106 agreements and related planning advice.


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