
Global Wind Energy Council’s five point plan to tackle energy and climate crises

The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) has published a five point action plan for policymakers to address the current global energy and climate change crises, against the backdrop of record temperatures and economic stress globally. The plan identifies the need to focus on renewables to achieve energy security and affordability and addresses the need to restore order to energy markets while simultaneously meeting climate goals.

The five points proposed by the GWEC are:

  1. Urgently streamline permitting to produce a huge increase in wind capacity in the next 1-3 years and build a net zero-compatible project pipeline.
  2. Implement a grid access action plan to ensure large volumes of renewable energy can be connected.
  3. Introduce simplified mechanisms for clean power procurement and pricing to rapidly unlock investment.
  4. Avoid locking in large-scale fossil fuel-based generation.
  5. Commit to firm energy transition plans and milestones to allow the renewables industry to plan for healthy supply chain development.

The GWEC’s plan highlights the need for urgent action to accelerate the deployment of renewables to ease economic pain, lower energy costs and continue the transition to net zero.

Wind (and solar) energy is one alternative to fossil fuels that can be scaled up globally in the next few years to offer a solution, or at least help to address, power price volatility, energy insecurity and fossil fuel dependency all while working towards a secure energy transition away from fossil fuels.

While the GWEC hope that the adoption of the five point plan will help to drive the deployment of renewables, their plan comes at a time when domestic political pressures are forcing politicians around the world to refocus on more immediately available, traditional energy sources and at a point where the scope for collective worldwide action seems to be narrowing.

As such, while the GWEC’s plan will resonate with many at a point in time where memories of the hottest European summer for many years are still front of mind, it is likely that local political expediencies driven by the cost of living and the need to ensure national supply may create some significant barriers to its adoption.

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