
The Role of Lawyers in Achieving the Transition to Net Zero

Managing our impact on the environment could scarcely be more important. Businesses and individuals alike have a role to play in the drive towards achieving a low-carbon economy. There are a variety of tools at our disposal and the legal profession is well placed to assist and advise parties seeking to achieve their goals. This may range from raising awareness among clients of current climate change legislation and upcoming changes to regulations (particularly for financial services clients), to helping clients to understand disclosure requirements and encouraging clients to make informative and clear reports to their stakeholders. The increase in environmental, social and governance (ESG) litigation shows that this too is an area in which lawyers can play a role in helping companies and clients to ensure their businesses achieve their sustainability goals and conversely, the risks of failing to do so.

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This article first appeared in the May 2023 issue of Business Law International (Vol 24, No 2), and is reproduced by kind permission of the International Bar Association, London, UK. © International Bar Association.

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