
Fladgate advises BYM Capital on corporate restructuring and £59.8m refinancing

Fladgate LLP acted for an associated entity of BYM Capital in respect of its corporate restructuring and subsequent entry into a £59.8 million loan provided by Pluto Finance for the refinancing of the client’s acquisition of New Horizons Court in Brentford and its development from office use into residential accommodation comprising 271 private residential apartments. The £59.8 million facility comprised: a £30.9 million Land Loan; a £20 million Development Loan; and an £8.9 million Interest Loan.

This transaction involved a great collaborative effort across the property, corporate, finance and construction teams at the firm.

Real estate partners Julian Scharfer and Seetal Modi advised the client, assisted by corporate partner Jeremy Whiteson, corporate associates Victoria Brownell and David Baverstock, real estate senior associates Adam Baker and Hollie Docherty and real estate associate Madeleine Holding and planning associate Miles Crawford.

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